Why is bronze, the important tool of the country, regarded as a symbol of ancient Chinese civilization?

 Auction Information     |      Habsburg International Auction    |    2023-08-24 18:16
Bronze ware first appeared more than 6000 years ago in the basin of Cuba. The earliest discovery of bronze ware in China was probably between 4500 and 4000 years ago, when people began making and casting bronze ware, entering a civilized era that belonged to bronze ware.

Bronze ware was popular from the late Neolithic period to the Qin and Han dynasties, with Shang and Zhou artifacts being the most exquisite. Initially, small tools or accessories emerged. Bronze containers and weapons began to appear in the Xia Dynasty. In the middle of the Shang Dynasty, there were already abundant varieties of bronze ware, with inscriptions and delicate flowers appearing.

The period from the late Shang Dynasty to the early Western Zhou Dynasty was the heyday of the development of bronze ware. The types of bronze ware were diverse, thick and dignified, with gradually elongated inscriptions and rich patterns. Subsequently, the body of the bronze ware began to thin and the decorations gradually simplified. From the late Spring and Autumn period to the Warring States period, due to the promotion and use of iron tools, copper tools became increasingly scarce.
During the Qin and Han dynasties, as porcelain and lacquerware entered daily life, the variety of copper containers decreased, with simple decorations and mostly plain surfaces, and the body became lighter and thinner.
Why are bronze vessels regarded as symbols of ancient Chinese civilization?
The function of ancient Chinese bronze ware was mainly to worship the heavens and ancestors, and only the royal family and nobles could have such power. For example, the highest standard "tripod" in Chinese bronze ware is known as the "nine tripods of the emperor and seven tripods of the feudal lords" in ancient times. Bronze ware is a reflection of ancient Chinese political system.

Ancient Chinese bronze ware is not only abundant in quantity, but also rich in shape and variety. There are wine vessels, food vessels, water vessels, musical instruments, weapons, agricultural tools and tools, chariots and horses, daily necessities, currency, seals, and so on.
In the category of wine vessels alone, there are also nobles. There are more than 20 types of vessels, including horn, zhi, zhu, zun, kettle, you, fang yi, gong, lei, he, spoon, ban, etc. Each vessel presents a different style in each era, and the styles of the same vessel in the same era are also colorful. Bronze vessels from different regions also vary, just like a hundred flowers blooming and colorful, making them highly valuable for viewing.

Ancient Chinese bronze ware is a great contribution of our ancestors to human material civilization. Although according to current archaeological data, the emergence of Chinese bronze ware was later than some other parts of the world, there is no place in the world where bronze ware can be compared to ancient Chinese bronze ware in terms of its scale of use, casting techniques, plastic arts, and varieties. This is also one of the reasons why ancient Chinese bronze ware holds a unique position in world art history and has attracted widespread attention, and the unique style of bronze ware has become a significance of an era and a symbol of world civilization.
Now, when we see these archaeological bronze artifacts, we can still feel the exquisite craftsmanship of ancient times and bring a lot of inspiration to modern social art. They are undoubtedly cultural treasures.

Auction Theme: Habsburg 2023 Qatar Royal Art Treasures Auction
Auction date: December 9, 2023
Collection deadline: October 25, 2023
Auction Agency: Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd
Auction location: Salwa Road C intersection, Doha, Qatar
Hotel Name: Radisson Hotel Doha, Qatar
Auction categories: Chinese ancient porcelain, Chinese jade, Chinese ancient calligraphy and painting, Chinese miscellaneous items, Chinese ancient coins, etc.
Buyer group: from various regions around the world, with important buyers coming from countries and regions such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, etc.