


藏 品:巨型铜鎏金金刚总持坐像

編 號:5095



規 格:H:104cm




金刚持是印度梵语的意译,音译“伐折罗陀罗”,其中“伐折罗”意为“金刚杵”,“陀罗”是执持义,合译就是“持金刚”或“金刚持”;藏语称“多杰羌”。关于其身份和地位有多种不同的说法:一种认为他是本初佛,即最原始的佛陀;一种认为他是报身佛;一种认为他是法、报、化三身的总集;一种认为他总摄了五方佛的智慧与功德,称他为“第六金刚持”或“金刚总持”。但不管怎样他是藏传佛教崇奉的最高尊神。在藏传佛教各教派中,噶举派对金刚持尤为崇奉,噶举派尊金刚持为本初佛,在表现噶举派题材的唐卡和其他绘画形式中,金刚持往往被置于上方中央,而受到特殊的礼敬;同时噶举派还将金刚持奉为本派的鼻祖,认为噶举派全部教法皆源于金刚持,金刚持后帝洛巴、那诺巴、玛尔巴、米那日巴、冈波巴次第相传,最终成就了西藏噶举派的庞大体系。此像表现的就是一尊造型特征十分典型的金刚持造像,其以锤揲工艺作成。尊像头戴花冠,顶束柱状高发髻,髻顶安摩尼宝珠,耳际宝缯呈扇面形向后展开,大耳垂肩;额部高广,双目俯视,细眉高挑,眉间饰方形白毫,高鼻阔嘴,妙相庄严。上身饰可拆卸式项圈和交叉穿璧式长链,圈链上皆缀有花瓣。下身着僧裙,衣纹简洁,突出身躯骨骼与肌肉的自然起伏与变化,僧裙后部刻画有精美的缠枝莲纹饰;腰间束宝带,宝带下缀有联珠式璎珞;手和足部佩有钏镯;周身披倒U字形大帔帛,帔帛绕手臂后向外飘扬,极富装饰意味。Vajrayana is a free translation of Indian Sanskrit, transliterated as "Vajrayana", where "Vajrayana" means "Vajrayana pestle", "Dharma" means "holding vajrayana" or "Vajrayana holding"; In Tibetan, it is called "Duojie Qiang". There are various opinions about his identity and status: one believes that he is the primordial Buddha, that is, the most primitive Buddha; One believes that he is a Bodhisattva; One believes that he is a collection of the three bodies of law, law, and culture; One believes that he has always absorbed the wisdom and merits of the Five Buddhas, and calls him the "Sixth Vajra Bodhisattva" or "Vajra Bodhisattva". However, he is the supreme god of Tibetan Buddhism. Among the various sects of Tibetan Buddhism, the Kaju sect especially worships Vajrayana. The Kaju sect respects Vajrayana as the original Buddha. In Thangka and other painting forms that express the theme of the Kaju sect, Vajrayana is often placed at the top center and receives special respect; At the same time, the Kagyu sect also regarded Vajrayana as the founder of its own sect, believing that all the teachings of the Kagyu sect originated from Vajrayana. The Vajrayana sect's later emperors, Loba, Nanoba, Marba, Minarepa, and Gangboba, were passed down one after another, ultimately achieving the vast system of the Kagyu sect in Tibet. This statue represents a very typical diamond holding statue, which is made using hammering techniques. The statue wears a corolla on its head, with a high bun of columnar hair at the top. The bun is adorned with mani pearls, and the earrings are fan-shaped and spread back, with large earlobes and shoulders; The forehead is high and wide, with both eyes looking down. The eyebrows are slender and high, adorned with square white hair between the eyebrows. The nose is high and the mouth is broad, giving a solemn and graceful appearance. The upper body is adorned with a detachable collar and a cross wall long chain, both adorned with petals. Wearing a monk's skirt with simple patterns, highlighting the natural undulation and changes of the body's bones and muscles. The back of the monk's skirt is adorned with exquisite lotus patterns; Tie a treasure belt around the waist, adorned with bead shaped necklaces under the belt; Wearing bracelets on hands and feet; The body is draped with a U-shaped large silk robe, which flows outward around the arm, exuding a highly decorative vibe.