清乾隆 胭脂红地轧道洋彩缠枝花卉套炉钧釉象耳转心瓶

清乾隆  胭脂红地轧道洋彩缠枝花卉套炉钧釉象耳转心瓶


藏 品:清乾隆 胭脂红地轧道洋彩缠枝花卉套炉钧釉象耳转心瓶

編 號:1123



規 格:H:40.2cm




此转心瓶的每一用色及纹饰精工至极,独具西洋韵味的缠枝花卉,胭脂红釉色为底的颈部,两侧收紧处饰有造型灵动的双象耳,象首的肤纹褶皱刻画极为细腻,象鼻轻垂,眼神坚毅,寓意「太平有象」之美好,为乾隆八年至十年之间所特制。瓶腹采用雍正年间创烧的「炉钧釉」,烈焰下,幻化出混有点点红斑的蓝绿釉色,似山岚云气,典雅至极;在转心瓶的上下衔接处,片片莲花瓣疏密有致包裹着瓶身,华美瑰丽。This product is fine, clean and dense, meticulous and delicate, the glaze is pure and bright, and the glaze is closely matched, which reflects the artistic style of painting with poetry, painting with pregnant poetry and combining poetry with painting. The light color rendering emphasizes the organic combination of color and line. The color is no longer just filled between the line and the line, but changes, and the color near the line is dark and gradually becomes lighter. The line is more prominent bone strength, the overall shape is richer, the colors are bright and complex, the pastel tone luxuriant, coloring techniques learned from western painting, the traditional Chinese flower patterns stretch and symmetry, bright and soft tone, bright light and shade effect, the combination of Chinese and western charm, both blending and storage, make its highest artistic status with vivid paintbrush and exquisite layout, becoming the last song in the history of porcelain.