


藏 品:元代五彩描金鬼谷子下山梅瓶

編 號:A007



規 格:H:43.7cm D:13.5cm




元代五彩描金鬼谷子下山梅瓶此梅瓶器型古朴浑厚,端庄大气。耸肩收腰,胎质细腻坚致,釉面肥厚莹润,细腻光滑,瓶身下方绘莲瓣纹,中间绘鬼谷子下山端坐在虎豹拉车中,肩部绘缠枝莲纹,整体绘画主次分明,主纹饰鬼谷子下山人物图,表情自然,神态自如,宛如仙人,目光炯炯,表现出决胜于千里之外的神态。线条流畅,笔书精湛,栩栩如生,五彩描金使用矿物廖艳丽夺目,色泽纯正,底部书“大元国至正八年制”款,此件梅瓶器型规整大方,用料上乘,绘画精美,堪称元代梅瓶中的稀世珍品,具有极高的收藏价值与投资价值。In the Yuan Dynasty, the plum vase with five colors depicting gold and Guiguzi down the mountain is simple and elegant. Shrug the shoulders and waist, the body is delicate and firm, the glaze is thick and lustrous, delicate and smooth, lotus petal pattern is painted under the bottle body, Guiguzi is painted in the middle, sitting in the tiger and leopard pulling car, and winding branch lotus pattern is painted on the shoulder. The overall painting has clear primary and secondary, and the main pattern is the figure of Guiguzi going down the mountain, with natural expression and free expression, just like immortal, bright eyes, showing the attitude of winning thousands of miles away. Smooth lines, exquisite pen and book, lifelike, multicolored gold use mineral Liao Yanli eye-catching, pure color, at the bottom of the book "eight year system of the state of the yuan", this plum vase is regular and generous, high-quality materials, exquisite painting, can be called the rare treasure of the Yuan Dynasty plum vase, with high collection value and investment value.